Circular economy

New energy labels for appliances

Since 2021, the label on which you can see the energy performance of household electrical appliances has been simplified.

The energy label was given a new scale in 2021, from A to G. The old scale, which began with A+++ and ends with G (with A++, A+, A, B, C, etc. in between), failed to give consumers a clear enough idea of what exactly they were buying. The new labels have also refined the testing method and classification criteria. For that reason, a product that used to have an A+++ rating may suddenly have a B or C on the new label.

Why exactly was the energy label scale changed?

Over the years, appliances have become increasingly efficient. That means that more and more appliances got the very top scores in the old system, and it became more difficult to distinguish between the different products.

Some consumers got overwhelmed and simply assumed that A-rated products were the best on the market. In fact, an A rating wasn’t particularly good. That is why the European Union decided to completely overhaul the rules for energy labels.

Four categories of appliances received a new label

The new scale, being used since 2021, initially applies to four categories of household electrics:

  • domestic washing machines and combined washer-dryers (not tumble dryers!);
  • electronic screen devices (televisions and computer screens);
  • refrigeration appliances (fridges, freezers and wine coolers);
  • domestic dishwashers.

Afterwards, light sources (electric lightbulbs), for example, were also added. More information? Click here.