FAQ - WEEE report

Anyone affiliated to Recupel who was active in the past reporting year must click on the link sent by e-mail to indicate their situation. Following this link, you can find the decision flow for this reporting to guide you through the entire process. 

If you received the link with an invitation to fill in the WEEE Report, it means that there has been a period in which you were affiliated with Recupel during  the past reporting year. The legal obligation to report on that reporting year still applies. Recupel kindly asks you to still click on the link sent, to complete the report. If you have any questions about your registration status with Recupel, do not hesitate to contact the declarations service on 0800/11 539 or via declarations@recupel.be.

If you are registered as a charter collector or recycler of WEEE, please address any questions or comments to your known contact person at Recupel or to the logistics service at 0800/11 539.